
Wheelchair & Non-Emergency
BLS Stretcher Transport
Fill out our online form
or call 479-283-6285 | 479-305-8960
Wheelchair Transport
Doctor/Dental Appointments
Dialysis, Chemo, Radiation
ER Visits
Shopping, errands
Airport Runs
Church, Wedding, Special Events
Caregivers available to accompany client
Local as well as long-distance transports

Non-Emergency BLS Stretcher
24/7 Emergency Basic Life Support Stretcher Service
Serving: Benton County, Madison County and Springdale
Long Distance: Anywhere in the US
Facility transfers
Oxygen on board
Medicare license pending and will bill private insurance on a case by case basis- call for details
Each ambulance staffed with 2 EMT’s or 1 EMT and 1 EVO as required by the Arkansas Department of Health
Our Drivers
Background check, State and Federal
Drug Tested
Motor Vehicle Records Checked
Well Trained door-to-door service
Courteous, Professional, Calm
Our Vans
Inspected and cleaned daily
4 – point wheelchair securement system
Seat belts for wheelchairs and passengers
Equipped for motorized wheelchairs
Accommodate extra-wide wheelchairs
Equipped with oxygen, if needed

Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30
3895 George Anderson Rd.
Springdale, AR 72764